How Much Do Taekwondo Classes Cost in the Philippines?

Discover the cost of Taekwondo classes in the Philippines, how often you should train, the benefits for mental health, and why it’s a path to personal development. Learn about the journey from white belt to black belt and how Taekwondo can be a rewarding activity for all ages.

How Much Do Taekwondo Classes Cost in the Philippines?

Teaching how to punch

Taekwondo, a Korean martial art, has gained popularity worldwide, including in the Philippines. It’s a discipline that involves head-height kicks, jumping and spinning kicks, and fast kicking techniques. But how much does it cost to learn this martial art in the Philippines?

The Cost of Taekwondo Classes

The cost of Taekwondo classes in the Philippines can vary widely depending on the location, the reputation of the school, and the experience level of the instructors. On average, you can expect to pay around PHP 1,500 to PHP 2,500 per month for regular classes. Some schools may offer discounts for paying for several months in advance or for enrolling more than one family member.

It’s important to note that the cost of classes is not the only expense associated with Taekwondo training. There may also be costs for uniforms, equipment, and testing fees for advancing to higher belt levels. Some schools include these costs in their monthly fees, while others charge separately for them.

Taekwondo Classes Near Me

Finding a Taekwondo class near you in the Philippines is relatively easy. There are many schools and training centers across the country, especially in major cities like Manila and Quezon City. Some of these schools even offer free trial classes for beginners.

When choosing a Taekwondo school, it’s important to consider not just the location, but also the quality of instruction and the atmosphere of the school. It can be helpful to visit a few different schools, observe a class, and speak with the instructors and students to get a feel for the environment.

Taekwondo Classes for Kids


Taekwondo can be a great activity for kids. It not only helps them stay active and healthy, but it also teaches them discipline, respect, and self-defense. Many Taekwondo schools in the Philippines offer classes specifically designed for kids.

These classes often focus on fun and engaging activities that help kids develop basic Taekwondo skills, as well as coordination, balance, and flexibility. They also emphasize positive character traits like respect, discipline, and perseverance.

How Many Days Should I Train in Taekwondo?

There’s no set age to start learning Taekwondo. Some schools accept students as young as four years old, while others prefer to start with older children or even adults. The key is to find a school that offers classes appropriate for your age and skill level.

Starting Taekwondo at a young age can have many benefits. It can help children develop physical skills like balance and coordination, as well as mental skills like focus and discipline. It can also help build confidence and self-esteem.

However, it’s never too late to start learning Taekwondo. Adults can also benefit from the physical and mental benefits of Taekwondo, and many adults enjoy the challenge and discipline of martial arts training.

Is Taekwondo Worth It?

Many people find that Taekwondo is well worth the investment. Not only does it provide physical benefits like improved strength, flexibility, and coordination, but it also offers mental benefits like increased focus, discipline, and confidence. Plus, it’s a fun and engaging activity that can be enjoyed by people of all ages.

Taekwondo can also offer social benefits. Training in a class with others provides opportunities to make new friends and be part of a supportive community. Many schools also offer opportunities to compete in tournaments, which can be a fun and rewarding experience.

How Old Should You Be to Start Taekwondo?

Teaching a taekwondo

There’s no set age to start learning Taekwondo. Some schools accept students as young as four years old, while others prefer to start with older children or even adults. The key is to find a school that offers classes appropriate for your age and skill level.

Starting Taekwondo at a young age can have many benefits. It can help children develop physical skills like balance and coordination, as well as mental skills like focus and discipline. It can also help build confidence and self-esteem.

However, it’s never too late to start learning Taekwondo. Adults can also benefit from the physical and mental benefits of Taekwondo, and many adults enjoy the challenge and discipline of martial arts training.

How Many Belts Are There in Taekwondo?

In Taekwondo, there are eight belts, starting with white for beginners and progressing through yellow, blue, red, red/black, Cho Dan Bo, black/white, and finally, the black belt. Each belt represents a different level of skill and understanding in Taekwondo.


The journey from white belt to black belt is a long and challenging one, but also very rewarding. Each belt level represents a new set of skills and knowledge to master, and advancing to a new belt is a significant achievement.

Can a Kid Be a Black Belt in Taekwondo?

Yes, kids can earn a black belt in Taekwondo. However, many schools award a junior black belt to students under the age of 16, even if their skill level qualifies them for a full black belt. This is to acknowledge their skill level while also recognizing their age and maturity level.

Earning a black belt is a significant achievement for any Taekwondo student, but it’s not the end of the journey. In fact, many consider earning a black belt to be just the beginning of their Taekwondo journey. After earning a black belt, there are still many more advanced techniques and forms to learn, and many black belts continue to train and improve for many years.

In conclusion, Taekwondo is a versatile martial art that can be started at any age and offers numerous benefits. Whether you’re looking for a new hobby, a way to stay active, or a means of self-defense, Taekwondo can be a great choice. Just remember to consider the cost, location, and reputation of the school before signing up for classes.

taekwondo Master

The Benefits of Taekwondo for Mental Health

Taekwondo is not just a physical activity; it also has significant mental health benefits. Regular practice can help reduce stress, improve mood, and increase self-esteem and confidence. The focus and concentration required during training can also improve mental clarity and cognitive function.

The discipline and respect that are integral parts of Taekwondo can also contribute to improved behavior and academic performance in children. Furthermore, the social interaction and sense of community in a Taekwondo class can help combat feelings of loneliness and promote a sense of belonging.

Taekwondo as a Path to Personal Development

Beyond the physical and mental benefits, Taekwondo can also be a path to personal development. The journey from white belt to black belt is not just about learning kicks and punches; it’s also about personal growth and self-improvement.

Taekwondo teaches values such as respect, discipline, perseverance, and integrity. Students learn to set goals and work hard to achieve them, to respect themselves and others, and to handle success and failure with grace. These are valuable life skills that can benefit students in all areas of their lives.

In conclusion, Taekwondo offers numerous benefits and can be a rewarding activity for people of all ages. Whether you’re interested in physical fitness, mental health, personal development, or simply looking for a fun and engaging activity, Taekwondo has something to offer.

Child bow to his Master